Sometimes I wonder if I'm Ever gonna make it home again... July 4, 2023

 See, I changed t-shirts :)  Question is, was I wearing this t-shirt yesterday as well?

It is funny how all my clothes that I bought when I was thinner all fit now so it is like I have a whole new wardrobe.  Now if I could just find some comfy shorts.  They are probably in my messy pile, but I am too lazy to dig through it.

I am stoned at the moment and contemplating going back to bed (even though I have had my coffee).  My bowels woke me up a little before 5 and then Nala was waiting at the bedroom door when I came out of the bathroom.  So here I am typing this at 6 AM on a vacation day.

I made a discovery yesterday that the latest alarm on my phone is 7 AM.  I thought, what does that say about me?  I think it says I don't sleep in, I go to bed early(?), I don't really have a lot of things to get up for except work(?), who knows.  I just found it funny that I have never thought I need an alarm to ensure I am up by 8 AM :)

My vacation is winding down (today and tomorrow) and then it is back to the real world.  Going to work everyday, the day to day repeat cycle.  I know that people say you need to inject things to break that up, but I am not really sure what that is when I have the most unpredictable bowels on the planet.  I suppose it will get better.  We are only 3 months from the last surgery and it hasn't even been a year since the first one.  Hasn't even been a year...  It feels like it has been forever for some strange reason.

Well, I am going to play some Minecraft and think about breakfast...

I love you all!


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