I'm on my way, I'm making it... July 3, 2023

 So, yes, I am wearing the same T-shirt as yesterday, but in my defense I am about to go to the dump and why dirty a new T right?

Speaking of new T's I should save this picture in this blog just so Tiffany can see it later.

It is a shirt that Jamie got me.  We had some laughs about Tiffany cupping my balls in public.  The shirt is funny and Jamie is always trying to make us laugh.

It has been raining non-stop for a few days.  Most of the plants like it, but I don't think the grapevine does as it hasn't had time to dry out at all so the roots are getting a little water logged and it won't start any growth.  This makes me sad.  The rest of the garden seems to be doing fine and the brussels sprouts are going crazy.

Here are some new flowers I planted and what happens in the mulch when there is too much rain:

I have been feeling ok.  It is always that way as we get closer to the end of chemo week(s).  I go back on Thursday for double treatment so I will try and do some work this weekend, but I probably will not be able to work like I have been.  Either way I got a lot done on vacation and the better thing is I got some time to sit with Tiffany (no stress) and Maeve.  We played some Yahtzee on the deck, sat under the gazebo in the rain, and just enjoyed each other's time.  I am a little pissed the grill didn't come, but I will live.

Well, I have to go check on the indoor plants and some other things.
I love you all!


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