Well I love, love you darlin' Come and go with me... June 16, 2023


It's Friday!  I am not going to lie that I am happy about that.  I really am tired of working.  I spent a good time cleaning up the office yesterday and got a garbage bag full of crap out the door.  I need to do the whole closet out here so if it is raining in the AM, that is the plan.  The problem with the closet is a lot of the stuff is large and needs to go to the dump, but I guess I will be the judge of that. (could always go to the dump in the rain on Sunday).  I like it when things are cleaned out and I wish I had unlimited time to make this place look the way I want (would love to level it out again as well, but that ship has sailed).

I suppose I shouldn't complain.  We build this room for less than 6K when all is said and done.  Thank you Tiffany's grandmother.

It is strange as it used to be I felt like I had a lot of time in the mornings and it may be that I am outside for a good 15-20 minutes on the warmer months, but it really does seem like I don't have the time I used to.  It is strange.  Maybe I move slower in the kitchen when I make breakfast (and I am not sure I always had breakfast until Covid hit - then it was a common thing).  Either way, I used to play some games in the morning (Minecraft usually), but I also didn't go into the office ever after Covid so all the free time might have just been in my head and I am including the time between 6-8AM when everyone was asleep and no one was actively working (at Corning) yet.  Also, when I worked from home after surgery and the same situation was true.

Well, time to get to the kitchen, whip up some food, get dressed, and get to the office.  It's only 4 hours of on-site.  I can do this.

I love you all!


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