Here she come now sayin', "Mony, Mony"... June 21, 2023
I can't help of think of the next line we would all scream at a college party or bar when this song came on.
I drank too many alcoholic drinks last night and my liver hurts. I had 2 pints and short. Then when I got home I drank a gin and tonic (with actual gin). This morning, I know that I have a liver. I also ate too much sugar last night. I get stoned and I just can't stop grazing and the sugar is easy.
I read again about someone in the man up for cancer group losing their battle with stage IV colon cancer and it makes me so scared. I know they post about uncontrolled tumor growth in multiple areas, but I still get scared that they were like me. So close to no detectable disease and then - bam! I fucking hate the worrying
On a side note, I really have become quite content. Most days I am just neutral, pleased with everything around me. I know that Tiffany stresses out about this stuff, but anymore, what can I really do about any of it? I figure, it is what it is. If it takes me, so be it, if I make it, then I will try to tell everyone about being content and not letting the small shit destroy your life. I wasted many years worrying about the small shit.
Well, speaking of the small shit. I need to run out and water the plants.
And speaking of that - new starter plants!
I love you all!