Well I'm the type of guy that will never settle down... August 26, 2023


That rouge eyebrow is powerful...

So I am watching a video of Dion actually singing the Wanderer and the reserved nature of the video makes me laugh.  I think it is media such as that which makes Americans think that we had some kind of sweet and nice society back then.  All that media is staged and we should know that.

Anyway, things are going well, the dark mornings are still eating at me and I still have this annoying pain in my side.  I suppose it could be gas or stool in my intestines, but it concerns me as that pain is why I went to the doctor in the first place.  It is going to be really sad if I have gone through all this surgery and tearing up my body only to be right back where I started from.

Well, time to finish getting the truck loaded and walk the yard.

I love you all!


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