I won't dance, don't ask me... August 11, 2023
That song in not on in the background of this video, but listening to the swing albums makes me think of it. It was so funny the time I re-wrote the lyrics to talk about Maeve not napping. I won't nap, don't ask me...
I haven't been feeling very well. I try not to let Tiffany know, but I have been so lightheaded and dizzy combined with some nasty insides, I just feel like things are getting worse. It could be my body is sick of the chemo. I hope that is what the issue is and not that I have cancer in my gut or brain.
I am going to try and get some work outside done today. I bailed on work, I just can't keep my head in the game and it isn't fair to them that I just sit here staring at a screen. If I am not working they shouldn't pay me.
Well, I am going to get busy on the day.
I love you all!