Well, we're living here in Allentown... April 8, 2023
A couple days at home and I am feeling better (to some extent). I do feel a bit more alert (I'm writing this aren't I?) and things at the backside are improving. I was able to eat quite a bit yesterday which was good for me. I drank some Youngevity BTT2 which I shouldn't be doing according to the oncologist as there is too my anti-oxidant in that powder, but right now, while I am in desperate need for nutrition and I am in-between treatments, I need the extra fruits and veggies (powdered format) that come in the drink.
I only weigh about 185 as of this morning. I honestly have not weighed 185 since 1994 (maybe 96). I haven't really seen my full body naked. Bits and pieces when I change or shower, but I haven't had the mirror opportunity until today (haven't done this yet). When I shower today I could look at myself in the mirror now that I am home. It will be hard not to as the mirror is nearly the entire wall on the shower side of the room. I am so thin though as I can tell through my shirt. Back in 94/95/96 I was a muscled 185, now I am just thin.
Maeve went home yesterday, I miss her when she leaves the house still. Hell, I miss having Gusty around the house as well. I don't think they will ever understand how much I love them.
Well, I suppose I should find something to do.
I love you all!