I'm a travelin' man and I've made a lot of stops... April 20, 2023


So back in a hotel for an appointment with Sloan.  They are cheeking my liver drains today (I can't wait to get these things out so I am hoping the universe sees things in our way).  The drive here should have been easy, but my bowels are a pain in the ass.  This is the first time we have gone to Westchester for treatment. The hotel was nice (Hyatt) in White Plains and had a separate bedroom so that Tiffany could stay up late and I cold get up early without disturbing each other. 

I wish I could sleep in.  I can barely stay asleep for 4 hours.  I have taken to using a 1/2 an Ambian when I wake up at 1:00 or 2:00 in order to put me back to sleep.

Speaking of sleep - gonna go for a nap.

Love you all! 


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