I pretend that I am glad you went away... April 12, 2023

 There is a special guest in this morning's picture.  She likes to harass me when the dogs are outside.  The dogs haven't been real interested in coming in lately.  I am not sure if they aren't used to me as I had been gone for too long or whether I just smell so bad with all the wounds and liver drains.  It bothers me a lot.  

Enough about how upset I am about the dogs.

I wonder at times if anyone will ever look up all the first lines of songs I put on these posts to see what they are (or listen to them?).  If you do this one, listen to the Tony Rich Project version even though it is a Babyface song, Tony Rich knocks it out of the park.

I guess I am feeling a little better.  We went for a walk yesterday, I am not going to win any awards for endurance or speed, but I was up and moving right?  I look forward to being outside today again.  I haven't felt wonderful or anything, but I suppose I have to remember that I just got out of the hospital.  I am not sure if my sugars are in a constant elevated state or I just am out of whack.  I am not taking any medication for my sugar (per the hospital), but I need to follow back up with Dr. Elsisi to see where to pick back up. I suppose I should e-mail him this morning.

I suppose I should put in a picture of how thin I have become for reference.  I am down to 182 pounds which is lighter than I have been since 1993.  Holy shit, that is 30 years ago.  

Well, I should get at things while I still have some morning energy.  I don't seem to have as much as yesterday, but I am hot today which is a feeling I haven't had in a long time.

I love you all!


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