February 15, 2022
Spent most of Valentine's day in the hospital for the liver biopsy. Tiffany and I have never really celebrated the day as every day with Tiffany is Valentine's day. I'm not joking about that. She is a wonderful woman, selfless, and caring. There is a line in Family Man, "You see, you're a better person than I am. And it made me a better person to be around you"; this line describes me and Tiffany. She is a better person than I am, and she makes the best in me come out. I love her so fucking much...
I have been doing colonoscopy prep and it is killing my insides. I am so crampy this morning at 4 AM (need to finish my prep). I had quite a bit of blood in my first BM of the morning (TMI?) and that scares me. I'd had some spotting and what I thought were blood in my stool before, but this was a bit of blood. Quite a different thing for me. I am still holding out hope for something other than a cancer diagnosis.
Tiffany is under so much stress and I wish I could help more. Not only does she have to prop me up and put on a good front for me, she is in a lot of pain due to a stint from a kidney stone. Now Nala has blood in her urine and probably needs to go to the vet. I am not sure how much more she can take and I am worried about her.
I am tired this morning and need to run back to that room due to prep so I am cutting this short. I love you Tiffany, Gusty, and Maeve so very much.
I decided to finish up a little after 2nd part of my colonoscopy prep. I know I have told you Tiffany how much I love you, and I can't tell you enough. We always say we have been together lifetime after lifetime and I think you should know that I could live a million lifetimes with you and still have not loved you enough to make up for the love you have given me.