She said, "It's cold outside, " and she hands me my raincoat... September 21, 2023
It is 43 degrees outside. That's cold to me. Today is the first day I am choosing not to walk outside in the AM. Sunrise isn't until 6:53 AM, so it is not only cold, but dark. Instead I will get on the exercise bike which is good exercise, but not as good for my soul as the walk outside in the warm summer checking on my plants.
All things are messed up today. The dogs haven't gotten up so the cats are going nuts as I haven't fed them. It is all kinds of crazy thing morning. I didn't go to work yesterday as I couldn't stop shitting. I think I wrote that my gut was getting better and then that happened. It was insane. I got out of the shower 3 times and then realized there was no way I was going to work. Of course the rest of the day was fine and I just needed to get through that issue, but I am fucking tired of it. There was some blood in my stool which I assume was associated with a hemorrhoid bursting, but you never know. I should tell my doctor I guess just to be safe.
Well, it is nearly 6:00 AM and I need to get on that bike. I am not sure why I had so much time to write before and I think it is because I was working from home so I didn't have to get ready.
I love you all.