If you could see me now... November 9, 2023
Did you ever think about the shear number of songs that you have heard and recognize from throughout your life. It is pretty impressive the things we can remember. I don't find it hard to put a new first line from a song every time I post and I am certain I have used a couple twice, but still it is pretty impressive. It isn't like I sit here and try to think of a song, generally I have one stuck in my head.
I am trying to ignore the constant ball of gas or whatever in my gut all day long, but it is beginning to be difficult. I try to be happy about the fact that I am here, the tumors have shrunk (giving me more time) and that I am capable of caring for my family. That last one is the important one. I guess I learned from my father that working hard is the way you show love. I really don't know what else I would do with myself at least during the winter. During the warmer months I would garden.
Well, I have some work to do.
I love you all