If only you believe like I believe, baby... November 4, 2023

It is time for the UV light again.  This turn to autumn has been tough on me for some reason.  I guess I often think about how many I have left.  I wonder how many people my age think about how much time they have left.  It used to be rare for me.  I thought a lot about retirement, but not about when I wouldn't be here anymore.  I wonder if my father thought about it.  Especially when he could no longer make the walk from his house to ours without stopping.  I suppose he had to.  I think we all do when faced with our mortality.

Things have been ok outside of the turning to the grey and no sunshine weather and my bowels.  I feel sick a lot, but I blame that on the gut.  It scares me as that is how I felt when I first went to the DR prior to all this cancer BS.  I suppose, I need to start being happy again that I get to spend another holiday season with my children and my wife.  Sometimes it takes me typing it out to realize that I still have a good life and I need to be pleased with the fact that I have this time with them and that I do, for a small part, have my health.

Well, since the dogs are harassing me and I have to put the lids back on this year's weed (burping) - I will write more tomorrow.

I love you all!



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