I don't have plans and schemes... October 28, 2023

It's Saturday thank God. I really don't have any plans or schemes for the day. I got stoned this morning because I felt like it so now I am just kind of in the sit and stare zone. I don't know why people say that they focus better when stoned. I guess unless they are referring to focusing on whatever they are staring at while their minds go blank or float through a bunch of thoughts that they thought was a minute and ends up being 5 to 10. I should have left the referring up above that had 4 r's as an example ;) though I suppose the last sentence in itself is an example. Anyhow, things are going as well as they can. I am off systematic chemo until the end of the year and what a difference that makes. I don't know if I am 100% or what that is anymore, but I am ok. Unfortunately, I have/had this infection in my tooth that I didn't know I had because of the all the dex. My insides are still a little messy (antibiotics don't ...