Gather up the pots and the old tin can... March 4, 2023

 So, my stomach is just down right killing me the last few days.  I am in so much pain and it isn't like me to let pain take me out like this, but this is really bad.  I have pretty much tried everything to make my gut feel better, but to no relief.  I am going to switch to a liquid diet (broth, soups, protein shakes) to see if simplifying the digestive process will help.  For a while I figured I had a blockage in my intestine, but things seem to be getting through considering there was an undigested pill in my bag.

My big fear is that I have a tumor in my esophagus or stomach.  I have an irrational fear that the cancer will spread or that they missed small spots that are now growing.  I am also very concerned about my surgery schedule.  Who knows if they will still do surgery if I am suffering from this issue.  I was so looking forward to getting all this shit out of me.  I was also hoping the two weeks leading up to surgery would be good weeks where I feel better because I didn't have any chemo or steroids.  So much for that.  I haven't been in this kind of pain since the early days of my diagnosis.

All I have to say is thank God for Tiffany.

Well, I am going to watch some TV and surf the web on my computer because I can't muster up the focus or energy to play a game.

I love you all!


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