It's a difficult responsibility... November 27, 2023

If you didn't know already, the bright light is the UV Happy light. I am a little in a bad place, not for any particular reason (my insides suck for the most part). I know that Tiffany is depressed or overwhelmed. There is so much for her to do and I know she not only worries about me, but she worries about the girls as well. I know it is a morbid thought, but if I can maintain work at Welliver, I know that if there is to be a demise for me that they will all be taken care of to some extent. There would be some belt tightening, but there would be an ok amount of tax-free inheritance. I know I shouldn't think like that, but unless I get good news soon, I am getting into the dangerous years. As of March next year, it will be two years since Chemo started and as of February it will be two years since full diagnosis. 1 to 5 is the magic number, if I get passed 5 I'll be one of the lucky ones. I need to get more active, but my activity al...