It's a beautiful morning, May 26, 2024


I know I haven't written here in a while.  I was in a bad place about my condition and treatment.  Return to chemo kicked my ass, Tiffany has been stressed and depressed about all this, and I wasn't feeling too well.  I worked last Saturday in the yard and then was sick the entire week and spent two days in the hospital.  

However, I worked my ass off in the yard yesterday and too be honest got to a point where I thought I was going to pass out (Tiffany doesn't know this and might read this someday and get made at me :) I love you honey).  The truth is I had the pain in my gut, but I countered it with loperamide, binding food, liquids, vitamins, etc...  the hospital stay clicked something in me again to remind me that I am not going to take this shit lying down.  I am strong and I will be the man I am until I truly can't physically do it any longer and that time is not now.

I am currently out on the deck, it is a little chilly, but it feels good to be outside again.  I have been enjoying recording the birds in our area (Cornell app called Merlin).  I thoroughly enjoy my AM walks and when I make it to retirement, I look forward to doing this every god damn day when the weather is warm.

Well, I am going to sit here and finish my coffee, listen to music and the birds.

I love you all!


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