People I know, places I go, make me feel tongue-tied... June 15, 2024

 Listening to the Sundays this morning on the morning summer deck (my happy place).  Here's Where the Story Ends seems to be fitting for me the last few days.  I have a norovirus, I suppose it was inevitable until I picked up a virus that most people kick in 2-3 days and it is causing me misery.

I have been trying to keep my energy up and keep my garden growing.  I suspect this virus has been slowly attacking me and I have not been able to recover appropriately.  My white blood cell count has been low in the last few blood tests, so I did get some meds to help stimulate my white blood cell production.  Unfortunately, there is no treatment for norovirus except time.  This treatment cycle was Hell and I spent two days in the hospital (again).  I was really sick on the way home from treatment and turned colors I've never seen on my body.  I really hope that I don't go out this way, with a fucking viral infection.  So, I choose not to damn it!

Speaking of gardening, here are some pictures of my slowly growing garden that I have been working on,  Though the roses are still getting attacked by all sorts of bugs, I have gotten a lot of buds and flowers this season.

I have been traveling around finding flowers; and I have a lot of pictures, but I'll share the daisy.

And, of course, the weed growing is expanding.  I have been able to take one plant and get a small winter indoor harvest (I am learning on that end), but I have kept enough plants going that I have about three strong outdoors and two strong on the inside.  With some other that should provide a good starter base to keep me in plants over the winter.

I also have expanded the south side of the house's garden space.  I've planted new flowers around the house and hope that they come up during the summer.

Lastly, I thought I would include a picture of the plant Mom and Carl got us for Mother's Day?

Well, a body in motion stays in motion.  I have to get some things done before Tiffany gets up and realizes I have been working all morning :)

I love you all!


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