I try to discover... June 21, 2024


Today is the first day in a long time when I feel ok.  I hope I am on the downside of this virus.  Based on how I have been feeling, I think I have been struggling with this virus and dehydration for some time.  I know that I'm feeling better as I want to have things like hamburgers, sausages, and the like.

My stomach is still crampy and my bowels - let's not even go there, but I am not feeling so sick, and that is important.  Felling so ill lately really made me feel as if maybe I wasn't doing so well against the cancer and I don't feel like that today.  Today, I feel like I could do things - this is good!

I think once I get through this virus I am going to suggest to Tiffany that we start doing our Saturday or Sunday afternoon eat out thing.  I feel bad that she has to be locked up in the house with me all the time.

In all honesty, the last few weeks had me feeling like I was losing this fight, now I know that I just had a bad round.

Well, time to get back at it.

I love you all!


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