Last Christmas I gave you my heart... January 6, 2023
We got wonderful news this week. My CT scans show no signs of cancer. My CT scans show no signs of cancer. I had to write it twice to let it sink in. 2 years of all of this and I was getting so tired. This is the shot in the arm I needed. I say that as I don't think this game/war/battle is over. I don't think it ever will be, but I will take this pause, armistice, or whatever it is. All in all, it is a win.
I am not going to let myself get too excited, but I am also going to start being better about what I eat (more so how much of it) and continue to be good about the alcohol. By bloodwork and other tests are all normal and I aim to keep it that way.
The one thing that all of this has made evidently clear was how much Tiffany loves me and how much I desperately love her. I am not lying when I say that if it wasn't for her and the girls I can't guarantee I would have pushed through this as aggressively as I have.
Well, I have to make some breakfast and clean up the living room.
I love you all!