Hello, how are you? Have you been alright through all those lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely Lonely nights?... November 21, 2024

Well, finally in NYC for the liver ablation (this afternoon). Once again, I am hoping for 3rd times a charm. I wonder if we started this liver ablation sooner when the pump was still able to deliver chemo if it would have had better results. I suppose the fact that I am still kicking is still good results. Tiffany and I upgraded to the penthouse in our hotel. I know smell us, right? It would be nice if it was higher in the air, but it is still a pretty big room. Well it isn't really a room, it is an entry, living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, so it's a condo. I could live here. Hell, it is way bigger than my apartment in Hawaii. I wish we had more time to enjoy the city. We come up here for an appointment or a procedure and then right back to Erin. I have been out of vacation time at work for months so this is all time off without pay. Our world does not favor the sick. Honestly what nat...