I said go if you wanna go... October 23, 2024


So, the path before me is getting a little narrow.  For the first time my oncologist seems more negative about my status than positive and my treatment options are narrowing.  I have unfortunately, told Tiffany that is time for us to start getting serious about our conversations on estate planning etc.  I hate that I am causing everyone so much pain and that there is nothing I can do to stop it.

Cancer fucking sucks, it robs you of your daily life and then it leaves your family with a memory of you as a sick person.  I don't want to be remembered as a cancer patient, I want to be remembered as a good father and a loving husband.

I miss the old me, but what I don't miss is being at work all day.  I don't miss trying to climb a corporate ladder or making a lot of money.  I changed jobs to have time with Tiffany and the girls.  Honestly, that still happened and I wouldn't swap that time for anything.  Many times we were all just sitting in the living room, but I have been present and around them more since I changed jobs and got diagnosed than I had in a long time.  

Maybe that is the brightest thing about all the shit I have been through the last few years is that I saw the value of just being together.  Not spending money, not traveling, just being together.  Tiffany and I have always been good that way.  Just spending time on the deck together or watching some horrible movie (or all the horrible movies), it really doesn't matter as long as we are together.  

I lost my way for a bit, chasing title and money - I regret that, but I am beginning to understand the water under bridge statement.  You really can't go back and fix things so don't dwell on them.  Do the right thing once you know you weren't.  I am trying to do that now.  

Well, I'm going to get back to writing more now and I should get to actual work.

I love you all!


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