Hope is your survival. A captive path I lead... March 13, 2024


I wasn't going to write this morning.  I haven't written in a bit and even when I have it wasn't anything of value.  I have been kind of floating hoping for good news, maybe thinking I would wake up and all of this was a bad dream.  However, I wouldn't know what I know now without this experience.  How much my wife loves me, how important I am to my family, how much I truly want to live.

Today, we are on our way back to NYC for a liver ablation procedure.  It should be nothing like the surgeries before as they will not be cutting me open fully, but I am still concerned.  The last surgery was difficult and I was really sick.  Recovery was difficult and I don't want to go through that again, but I will, and I always will, to be with my family.

So, I suppose I am writing this to tell you all how much I love you and how thankful I am to have spent my life with you.  I know I existed before us, but I didn't know life or love until I had this family.

I love you all!


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