You're sailing softly through the sun... December 31, 2024

I am still hear MFers! Sorry, best way to say that when I have taken a three week break from writing in this blog (I have so many). This was is meant to be re-read after I beat this shit (or don't) to remind about the journey and my learnings. Things have been going well, I haven't had any treatment since sometime in Nov or Oct maybe even longer. In Nov (the 21st) I had another ablation (3rd times a charm) and this week (Jan 2) I have scans again. So, of course I am freaking out. If things go right, I will be cancer free, if they don't, I am back into the shit. I have to say, short of my shitty ass digestive system (see what I did there), I feel ok. All of this shit the last couple of years has beaten the hell out of me, but I persevere. I will continue to fight regardless, but I am hoping for the first real clean scan. Well, I have to get to work. Love you all!